Rare WWI Dayfield Body Armour Rare WWI Dayfield Body Armour Rare WWI Dayfield Body Armour Rare WWI Dayfield Body Armour Rare WWI Dayfield Body Armour

Rare WWI Dayfield Body Armour

A rare example of the Dayfield Body Shield. The design was patented in 1916 by Francis Dayton and Mr E A Whitfield. The armour consisted of four plates fitted into a khaki cotton "waistcoat".

The patent describes the shield thus: “This invention has for its object to provide a shield that shall be efficient and light and capable of being comfortably worn by a soldier or other person for the protection of his body against attack by rifle fire, bayonet, lance or sword”.

There's a reference in the Lancashire Fusiliers History describing a battalion-strength raid carried out by the 12th Battalion in April of 1918 which mentions the use of body armour: “On the whole front the enemy works were entered after hand-to-hand fighting and casualties were inflicted and dug-outs discharged. A feature of the operation was that 33 body shields per Company were issued and proved most useful in warding off bayonet thrusts and splinters of bomb and shell.”

A rare and fascinating object.

Code: 11870